Monday, March 9, 2009


(picture taken by me, from Porter Airplane)

This photograph is the only view of CityPlace in Toronto that I have found attractive. Located on former railway lands at the base of Spadina Avenue, this new neighbourhood will house thousands of Torontonians.

Each building itself is decent, but clustered together I'm concerned that Toronto simply has is the skyscraper version of ugly, boring sprawl houses. You know, the executive mansion ones with cathedral ceilings in the family room, excessively sized kitchens and master bedrooms and about 6 bathrooms for three people. 

Vertical sprawl, welcome to Toronto.

At least there will be a large park, designed by Doug Coupland. But couldn't Concord Adex give us a little architectural variety and some decent streetwall and public space? Time will tell if this turns out to be a future slum.